Other wildlife identified and recorded

Other than birds, I have also seen and identified other wildlife such as butterflies, insects, mammals etc.

Some especially memorable species will be pointed out


1. Palla’s squirrel

2. Feral monkey (Rhesus Macaque)

3. Wild boar

4. Asian water buffalo (Bubulus bubalis)

5. Feral brown cattle

6. Blue spotted mudskipper

7. Flugorid planthoppers

8. Buff-striped keelback

9. Checkered keelback

10. Blue moon butterfly

11. Blue glassy tiger

12. Danaus genutia

13. Dark band bush brown

14. Striped blue crow

15. Cabbage white

16. Plain tiger

17. Anotogaster sieboldii

18. Indian fritillery

19. Common bluebottle

1. Pallas’s squirrel — this accidental panning shot of the squirrel was taken at HKU, and is the product of a slow shutter speed. As I strolled through the campus, I observed the canopy above me and the movement of this squirrel caught my eye. It was scaling its way up a tree trunk and I just tried my best to focus and track it properly, firing away dozens of shots. However, I forgot about the fact that I had the SS super slow as I was also shooting stationary birds under the same canopy before the squirrel showed up and I needed more light. Amazingly, my camera tracking and SS worked perfectly together to produce this amazing shot of the squirrel. This is my first encounter with a squirrel of any kind and it really hyped me up for not only did I get to encounter one, but also get a super cool shot of it as well. I guess this is what they mean when they call it a ‘blessing-in-disguise’.

7. Flugorid planthoppers — I was photographing a ferruginous flycatcher within one of the forests at Po Toi island, when I suddenly turned my head around to face this tree trunk as if moved by an invisible force. Didn’t even know how that happened but there were a family of three planthoppers on it. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them somewhere before but I forgot where, they were very photogenic and didn’t move at all while I slowly approached them for a good shot. Unbelievably, the planthoppers were still there at the exact spot the next day, pretty strange huh?

More of the planthoppers:


All birds identified and recorded


Birding location guides